Monday, March 1, 2010

First Day and Not Starving Yet

     Well I made it through the first day without a hitch.  I had been a little nervous that I would not be able to make it through the whole month, but I felt pretty good this morning about the whole thing.  I feel confident that I can maintain the diet, although I keep waiting for the caffeine withdraw headaches to start kicking in.

    I did notice something interesting today though.  Smells that I normally took for granted seemed a little bit more stronger today. When I went to the bank today, the smells from Pepper's Bar and Grill seemed to be taunting me. LOL!  Temptation lies around every corner.

     You see, while in Africa there are no temptations.  You eat what you can get or what is given to you.  You don't have the luxury of choosing your meals from a variety of items.  Even if you did go to a local place to eat, your choices would be limited.  We learned to eat what was placed in front of us whether we knew what it was or not.  I never asked, I just ate.

     Those of you who read this, at your next meal I want you to take a close look at what you eat.  Then I want you to ask yourself, what would it be like to not have choices?  If suddenly all your choices of things to eat were taken away and replace by just two....rice and beans.  Could you do it?  Would you accept what was given to you and go on, or would you pout and cry about eating the same things again?  Well, those children and adults that are sponsored and supported by Lahash International have no choices.  They pretty much eat the same thing each and everyday.  Some existence in a world filled with so much, eh?  You know, they don't cry or pout about what the eat, in fact the only crying you will hear are those who don't have anything to eat.

     My intention is not to make you feel guilty, but to be aware.  Be aware that you who live in the U.S. with so many choices are fortunate, because there are so many who do without.  Next time you sit down to a meal, say a prayer to those who have no choices, because believe it or not they pray for you, cause I have heard them.


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