Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Yesterday at the South Sudan border, I realized something as I was looking at the cool VISA sticker that was put into my passport, July 10th was the one year anniversary of South Sudan's independence from Sudan.  The country, although still struggling, has made it one year.  This was my first time standing inside a newly built country, how exciting!

Many of the people here have been witnesses to the struggles and wars that have been fought to secure this newly gained independence.  It wasn't an easy task, and a price was paid; many died, many suffered (and still suffer) but they feel victorious over the grip that held them by the Muslim government of Sudan.  The people here are free!

Much like South Sudan's struggle for freedom and independence, we too have struggled against a grip; the grip of sin.  Many have died and many have suffered at a grip that could not be shaken.  We are fortunate that we had one who was willing to battle that grip, and that was Christ.  He was willing to die to break the bondage of sins.

"But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance.  You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness." Romans 6:17-18 (NIV)

South Sudan has a long way to go, many trial and tribulations await them and there is no guarantee that they will stay a country of their own.  We on the other hand have a guarantee that we are free from sin through the blood that was shed by Christ.

So let's raise a toast to South Sudan's 1st Anniversary as a newly, independent country.  Let us also bow our heads in prayer to the One who gave us our Independence.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Follower in East Africa, A Fan in the U.S.

It is about 1:30 in the afternoon here in Adjumani, Uganda.  We are at an Internet cafe charging our equipment and catching up on email and such.  Those of you who don't know, I am here in Uganda to help get a building project off the ground.  Lahash International is helping to build new housing for the children of Amazing Grace Children's Home, and the first phase is starting.  Before I leave we are hoping to have one building 1/2 completed.

During this trip I have been reading a book called Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman.  This book is about defining your relationship with Christ.  Are you a fan, a Christian who sits in the stands and cheers or are you a follower who gets in the "game" and follows Christ?  Many of us might easily say we are a follower; but what does it mean to be a follower?  Kyle Idleman, using Biblical Scriptures, defines what it means to be a true follower of Christ, and I am here to tell you many of us aren't even qualified.

A follower is one who is willing to sacrifice, deny themselves, and move when Christ calls.  A follower doesn't put off doing Christ's will tomorrow, but does it now when called to do so.  Just as Christ called Matthew to "Follow me" we must do the same.  We can't say "Well maybe tomorrow" or "When the kids are through with college"  Christ means NOW...TODAY...THIS MINUTE.

I was sitting one day contemplating my own walk asking myself why I was in Africa.  Was I in Africa because Christ called me here, or because I wanted another notch in my belt of "do-good deeds"?  I started questioning my own sacrifices, my own wants and needs and was I putting myself or Christ first.  I was not surprised in many aspects I was putting myself first.

I do believe that my trip to Africa is a calling from God.  Edwin Angote, my sidekick during this trip, said to me "You are here to show love an caring to those who have none."  Strong words, and words that rang true.  This trip is about sacrificing my wants and needs for the needs and wants of others.  A small group of children who might not have a future if it weren't for those of us who give and work to better their conditions.  We do it because Christ has commanded us to, not because we want a medal or some notoriety.

What has really hit home about the book and me being here is, what will my attitude be when I return home?  Will I return to my life as though this part of the world only exists in emails and pictures or will I continue to pursue my Lord as 12 disciples did?  I seriously cannot say right this minute I know the answer because I have a lot of soul searching and talking to God before I can have an answer.  I am hoping though, that when I step off that plane back home I will be stepping off the plane as one who puts Christ first in everything, willing to sacrifice everything, taking up the cross, denying myself and obeying Christ's command to "Follow me".  I want to walk off that plane a true follower of Christ and not just a fan.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Giving Above and Beyond

     In 19 days I leave for East Africa.  It has been almost three years since my last trip and each day I get more and more excited about seeing the children of Amazing Grace in Adjumani, Uganda.  

      The priority of the trip is to survey and prepare a site for the new building that will be built over the next several months.  Our partners at Camp Eagle in Rocksprings, Texas gave Lahash International a generous donation to build one of two new dorm style houses.  We are hoping to have two build by January of 2013 and start moving the children into their permanent new homes on their new land.  You can read more about the project here: Building Hope

       Three summers ago, Grace Community Children's Ministry hosted a summer VBS and during that VBS the children raised over $2000 towards the purchase of the new land for Amazing Grace.  One particular story during that four day event really touched my heart.  A mother pulled me aside one day to tell me about an event that happened at their home the night before.  At the dinner table her ten year old son asked his father if he could have his allowance a day early.  Being curious, the father asked why and the son proceeded to tell him about Amazing Grace, the needing of new land for a permanent home.  He wanted to donate his allowance to ensure that the children were able to get a new home.  It took every ounce of my being not to start balling my eyes out as I listened to this mother, through her tears, share with me the joy she and her husband had about their son's heart in giving.

     I tell you this story because if a small child can get it, why can't we?  He was willing to give up his allowance to children he may never meet, because he wanted them to have a home.  This young man looked beyond his own needs to the needs of others.  In Matthew 18:4 Jesus tells his disciples "So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." 

     One building has been paid for, but we have more to build.  Are you willing to sacrifice something; a cup of coffee, a soda, a meal to give to others?  Can you give above and beyond what you normally give?

      If you are willing to give to the efforts of Lahash, then go here: Give.  Under Special Projects select Building Hope:Amazing Grace Family Homes.  If you are wanting to give for my trip in July under Lahash Travelers select 'Eric Chapman'.

       Blessings to you all!
