Friday, December 29, 2017

When God is Silent, Part 1

I have heard this statement many times from Christians, "God is silent." When I was a new Christian I didn't quite understand that statement, because I was hearing Him.  Yet as I matured and become complacent in my beliefs, it started to make sense, God is silent, but why?

So what has changed?  Why was it that I use to hear God, but now He seems to be silent.  The clue is hiding behind that word I used; complacent.  It's that point where we turn from focusing on Him to focusing on ourselves.  Let me share a story with you.

It has been about three years when I attended a wedding of a friend of mine.  She is a devoted Christian who finally found the man of her dreams.  Or should I say, God brought her a man, a life partner.  Now I know what some of you are thinking, how do we know this man was brought to her from God?  Let me take you back about a  couple of years before the wedding, to a point where this young lady was struggling with the sudden loss of a finance.  A man who turned his back on her and walked out of her life.  She felt betrayed, alone, bitter, you name it. It was during those struggles that I had to opportunity to come along side her and encourage her.  She had stopped listening to God, so I told her it was time to quiet her soul, calm her emotions and ask God for a soulmate; to listen for God.  Put her trust in God to bring her a partner.  Reluctant at first, she eventually surrendered herself to listening for an answer from God.  It was a year later that a young man entered her church one Sunday and well, the rest is history.

What is unfortunate, I did not take my own advice.  I stopped listening, and it was dark and lonely.  It actually took me going to her wedding and something that happened just before she walked down the isle that awoke me.  It was an outdoor wedding, beautiful surroundings when I took it upon myself to just....quiet my soul and listen.  A few minutes later a rumbling occurred in the mountains just in front of where we were sitting.  It wasn't a frighting rumble, but enough to get your attention.  I listened.  It happened again.  I felt myself smile because I knew; God was talking and I was hearing Him.  He was announcing his presence at an event He foresaw, He ordained. I felt my heart swell with love at the excitement of Hearing Him again.

Before you get all happy, I again fell into that trap of not listening and God became silent again.  Wait... wait God silent?  Something is wrong with that statement. It's not God being silent, it is us not listening. We get so wrapped up in life, or trouble befalls us and we stop listening.  God calls to us and we ignore Him.

So what have I learned?  God wants to have a relationship with us that requires us to sometimes find a quiet spot and just listen.  What will He say?  I can't answer that, because each of us hear God in a different way.  Some of us get feelings of peace, others actually hear a small voice in their head.  We all hear God differently and I believe He does that intentionally.  He wants to communicate with us on our level, at a place where we can truly hear Him.  In Revelations 3:20 God makes it clear that when He knocks and we answer (or listen) He will come and eat (spend time) with us.

My suggestion is start the New Year listening to God and all He has to say and reveal to you.  I believe that if you put aside some time for God, you will be surprised at all the wonders He will reveal to you.

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